Thursday, February 12, 2015

ssrs report on crm dashboard

experienced some issues showing a ssrs report on a CRM 2011 dashboard.
the  standard criteria filters for the view settings were insufficient for the requested query so hence the need to put a rs report up and link to it in a crm dashboard. using a linked report or just a standard iframe both resulted in error city. A work around is possible by writing a html iframe, loading it into crm as a web resource, and then calling the web resource from the dashboard...
heres the sample code

<html><head><meta><meta><meta><meta></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word;"><iframe id="IFRAME_madeUPname" name="IFRAME_madeUPname" class="ms-crm-Custom" tabindex="0" url="http://yourRSURL&amp;rs:Command=Render" scrolling="auto" preload="0" src="http://yourRSURL&amp;rs:Command=Render" frameborder="0" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe></body></html>

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