Monday, September 13, 2010

wendy park cx

Oh to be fast. Maybe one day. Maybe one day I'll buy an actual cross bike. Maybe I'll start my own business too. The opportunity cost of "fast" will probably be poor grades which are much more unacceptable than a poor finish. $25 to race $60000 for school hmmmm.. I'm sure I can figure something out cause damn I'm slow. My boss, an old cat 2 racer, insists that I should add P90x to my routine. I dunno I'm skeptical about any work out that involves wailing guitars, xtreme camera shots, and shares the same name as a gun from the N64 game James Bond Golden Eye . Yesterday was the first race of my much anticipated (by me and my three cats) sophomore cyclocross season. And much like last year it was a pretty dismal show. The staple mishaps of last year proudly returned in oh10, miscalculating turns, unclipping up steep hills and getting passed while spinning out on straightaways. The only thing epic is how unbelievably (epically) sore my legs are. It was a slooooow commute into work this morning. I did have fun on the 100 yard sand and broken glass section on the lake Erie shore. Perhaps proving once again I should focus on running those sections and not burning myself out trying to muscle through them all macho-like. Still had fun though, and getting some grub at the Old Angle was even better! It should also be noted I did succeed in convincing two friends to race. Spreading the gospel of cyclocross just a little further, or for you fast folks out there increasing the fodder.

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